If you are interested to buy one of our bags just click on 'add to shopping cart'. To finalize your order, click on the shopping cart which you'll find at the top right of your screen. You'll then be taken to the payment process page where you can fill in your delivery/shipping, and/or billing address and then choose your method of payment.
When you've placed and paid for your order, it's prepared for delivery almost immediately. As soon as the status of your order is 'completed', you can no longer change your order. If you wish you can return the entire order or any items that you don't want using the return process.
At Lusberry It's absolutely safe and secured to make a purchase. Our site is fully encrypted and Shopify Secure a major US shopping cart provider. We also have a friendly return policy so in case you change your mind we are here to help!
You can check the status of your order on your account page. When your order has been put together, the status will change to 'completed'. You'll then receive a shipment confirmation with a tracking code. You can track your order by filling in your code on carriers link provided.
Orders are processed as soon as payment is being made and ready the package to be shipped within the few hours of payment. We have warehouses in LA, United States and In Sydney, Australia and use local & International courier services.
All shipping within the Australia are free. We charge a discounted fixed amount for other international destinations. Please see at the checkout page for calculating your exact shipping charges for your address.